MouseFIGHTER Review
MouseFIGHTER is a free application that allows you to control the mouse cursor using your keyboard, instead of relying on a physical device. This can come in handy if your mouse has broken or stopped working properly.
It is a small application that replaces the Windows cursor with a customized one and lets you control it with the keys you choose from your keyboard. By default, the Caps Lock button activates it, but you can also use arrow keys to move the cursor and use A or S for left-clicking or right-clicking respectively.
The program works surprisingly well and while it may take some getting used to, it is a great solution for situations when a physical mouse cannot be used anymore. It can even help to keep you occupied in your spare time if you’re not a big fan of the computer or if you have problems with your hand or wrists.
Moreover, MouseFIGHTER comes with an ergonomic layout which makes use of the D and F keys for left and right movement, I and J for up and down, A and L for left-clicking and S for right-clicking, while Caps Lock alternates between them.
MouseFIGHTER can be easily configured and shaped to fit your needs, thanks to its simple interface that displays two windows: the configuration window and the image of a regular keyboard on which the assigned keys for controlling the mouse are displayed. A single click on Apply Keyset will make the configuration active and you can further modify it if necessary.